Specialized Steel Industry Consulting & Advisory Services
Expert Metal Industry Support
Experienced steel industry consultants
Our consultancy practice offers clients an independent, professional metal industry advisory service through our UK company Metals Consulting
International (MCI).
This advisory service includes:
Our core business services: Our steel industry consultants assist you with due-diligence, restructuring, modernisation, strategy, business planning, performance turnaround and profit improvement projects. These activities frequently involve market or technical analysis and / or a visit to your plant.
Metal sector expert witness services: Our advisors help clients to help resolve mining and metals-related legal disputes. This specialist advisory business is focused on the upstream and downstream ferrous and non-ferrous metals industries. We have much experience working with leading law firms to write robust independent reports. We also have solid cross-examination and tribunal credentials.
Industry experience covers iron and steel, aluminium, cobalt, copper, gold, lead, lithium, molybdenum, nickel, silver and zinc. It also encompasses the 3T metals [that is: tantalum, tin, tungsten] and the PGMs or platinum group metals [including ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum].
Additional services: You receive advice and assistance with global partner search, acquisition appraisal, technology issues, forecasting and market research. We also undertake business valuation work. MCI can furthermore assist with staff training and executive search and selection.
To provide these services, our Steel Consultants and Associates draw upon:
A strong and long-standing track record of client work in international steel sector assignments. [Client testimonials concerning the quality of our work can be provided].
Hands-on experience as advisers on strategic positioning; and in work on market, technical, environmental, economic and financial issues.
A industrial contact network that spans metals manufacturing all around the globe.
We offer this assistance at very competitive daily fee rates to clients in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Email us at info@steelonthenet.com to learn more about our current daily fees.
MCI steel industry consultants - Further Information
Our advisory team has extensive experience in plant design, raw material preparation, iron and steelmaking, casting, rolling, sales and metal distribution. Why not visit our consultants page and learn more?