Company name: Arab Iron and Steel Union, AISU
Category: Steel Trade Association
Business location: Algiers, Algeria
Expertise: Arab iron and steel industry association.
Keywords: AISU, Algeria, Egypt, Syria.
Telephone number: 00213-23-290727
Fax number: 00213-23-290755
Email address:
Other information: The Arab Iron and Steel Union (AISU) was established in Algeria in 1971 as a first specific Arab Union interested in the development and growth of the Arab iron and steel industry. It is a non-governmental organization of a special entity having no political nature nor commercial character. It is involved in the field of preparing studies, organizing courses and holding conferences for the sake of the prosperity of the Arab iron and steel industry. It assists its members in their economic, technical and technological progress.
The fields of the activity of the Union include the sectors of the extracting and manufacturing iron and steel industries according to the determinants of the standards and classifications internationally recognized and practiced. By its activity the Union aims at realizing objectives that include (i) co-operation with industry stakeholders (ii) supporting of member companies and organizations with raw material procurement and other requirements (iii) providing member companies and organizations with statistical, technical, economic and commercial information relating to the Arab iron and steel industry (iv) assisting member companies with recruitment (v) supporting the development of vocational and technical training with periodic courses, meetings and steel conferences (vi) assisting members with problem-solving with specialist topics (vii) conducting arbitration between members and non-members in iron and steel sector matters (viii) co-operating with other industry unions, scientific societies and organizations as appropriate (ix) conducting technical and economic studies for the development of the iron and steel industry (x) participating in standards development.
Today, AISU has 85 member companies who are responsible for ~90% of Arab steel output. The AISU head office is in Algiers and representative offices are in Cairo, Egypt and in Damascus in Syria.
Members of the Trade Association include the following.
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