European Steel Association - Eurofer.

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Company name: European Steel Association - Eurofer

Company name: European Steel Association - Eurofer
Category: Trade Association
Business location: Brussels, Belgium

Expertise: Steel association for EU steelmakers.
Keywords: Eurofer, iron, steel, trade association, European Union.
Telephone number: +32 2 738 79 20
Fax number: +32 2 738 79 55
Email address:

Other information: The European Steel Association (EUROFER) is an international not-for-profit organisation under Belgian law, based in Brussels.

EUROFER was founded in 1976 and represents the entirety of steel production in the European Union. EUROFER members are steel companies and national steel federations throughout the EU. The major steel companies and national steel federations in Switzerland and Turkey are associate members.

Recent news
  • 2021: Considers that apparent EU steel consumption will rebound by 13.3% in 2021, and then grow by a more moderate 3.4% in 2022.
  • 2020: Welcomes start of registration of Turkish hot-rolled steel imports into Europe, as a tool to ensure the effectiveness of EU trade defence instruments.
  • 2020: Together with steel industry associations in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, Eurofer urges the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity to expand efforts to address the growing steel crisis.
  • 2019: Supports European Union action against Indonesian nickel trade policy. The EU had recently filed a complaint with the WTO against Indonesia's proposed restrictions on nickel exports.
  • 2017: Criticises European Commission's decision to exclude Serbia from list of countries dumping steel into the EU.
  • 2017: Sends open letter from 76 CEOs of the European steel industry to Heads of State ahead of the final negotiations on the reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), commenting on unachievable steel industry benchmarks proposed to date; and on the risks of the proposed EU ETS legislation creating high carbon costs for even the best performing steel plants.
  • 2016: Calls for fair trade and a competitive level-playing field after identifying European Chinese steel sales at prices below the costs of production. Notes that dumped Chinese steel flooding into the EU market is directly causing irreversible plant closures and job losses across the EU steel sector.
  • 2015: Axel Eggert, Director General of Eurofer, calls for adoption by th European steel industry of 'modern trade instruments' [Europe has relatively low dumping margins compared to the USA, and is relatively slow to introduce new anti-dumping tariffs].
  • 2011: Brings legal challenge to European Court of Justice (ECJ) claiming that the benchmark value set for certain steel production processes was too stringent. According to Eurofer, the benchmark did not take account of the full carbon content of waste gases produced during steelmaking and its use resulted in a large shortfall in steel industry CO2 allowances.

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