Tulachermet - merchant pig iron - Russia.

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Steel Industry Directory - Merchant Pig Iron Supply

Company name: Tulachermet

Company name: Tulachermet (Industrial Metallurgical Holding)
Category: Steelmaking and foundry pig iron
Business location: Tula, Russia

Expertise: World leader in supply of merchant pig iron.
Keywords: Pig iron for export.
Telephone number: +7 (4872) 45-70-70
Fax number: +7 (4872) 45-71-79
Website: http://www.metholding.ru/en/business/products/chugun/
Email address: info@tulachermet.ru

Other information: Tulachermet is one of the leading Russian producers and manufacturers of merchant pig iron, the largest enterprise of the Industrial Metallurgical Holdings Group (IMH).

Current Tulachermet production volume is more than 2 million tonnes of pig iron per year. Some 90% of this output is exported (Balltic and Black Sea ports).

The main competitive advantage of Tula pig iron is its high purity with respect to manganese, phosphorus, titanium, chrome, copper, vanadium and sulphur content. This high purity arises from use of very high quality iron ore from the iron ore deposits in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, and high quality coking coal supplied by KOKS.

Along with merchant pig iron, the plant also produces granulated slag and broken slag for use in road-building. Tulachermet's main pig iron consumers in the global markets are in the USA, in Eastern and Western Europe, and the Middle East.

Recent news
  • 2020: Tulachermet PJSC sets record for pig iron production. During the year the enterprise produced 2.607 mt of pig iron, which was 244 Kt more than year 2019 output.
  • 2020: Tula Steel Metallurgical Plant produces its millionth ton of steel.
  • 2017: Completes second stage of Butovskaya coking coal mine construction.
  • 2017: Announces early first stage commissioning of Tikhova coking coal mine, now due to take place in Q3 2017. The new mine should allow improved operation of the blast furnaces at Tulachermet and will increase the overall efficiency of pig iron production at the works.
  • 2015: Signs loan agreement with Gazprombank for the construction of casting and rolling complex of Tulachermet-Stal.
  • 2013: KOKS Group announces intention to build brownfield melt shop and rolling mill at Tulachermet subsidiary. New steel plant to include 1 mt / year billet plant, and production of rolled structural steels.
  • 2011: Together with Kombinat KMAruda, provides irrevocably guaranteed on a joint basis on $500m loan provided to the KOKS Group. Net proceeds from this loan were to be used by the Company and the Guarantors for debt restructuring.

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