Metal pressings - Titgemeyer - Germany.

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Steel Industry Directory - Stampings

Company name: Titgemeyer Group

Company name: Titgemeyer
Category: Metal stampings & pressings - automotive fasteners
Business location: Osnabruck, Germany.

Expertise: Fastening components and connectors.
Keywords: Lockbolts, pins and collars, fasteners, blind rivets.
Telephone number: +49 (0)5 41/58 22-0
Fax number: +49 (0)5 41/58 22-490
Email address:

Other information: The Titgemeyer Company was established in Melle near Osnabruck (Germany) in April 1901, originally selling tools to blacksmiths. As the firm grew, it turned to the sale of heavy axles, couplings, steel and aluminium profiles, mud guards and other vehicle parts to vehicle builders and car body manufacturers.

Commencement of blind rivets production in 1954 laid the foundation for fastener production - with fastening technology soon forming the basis for a second business stream.

Today, modern fastening technology serving the requirements of the automotive and aircraft industries and the sale of high-strength, corrosion-resistant connections for the offshore sector are a dominant aspect of Titgemeyer's business.

Main products currently manufactured and sold by Titgemeyer include blind rivets (for fastening and connecting one or more components), threaded inserts (including nuts, studs and press fasteners), lockbolt pin and collar fastening system (including vibration-proof connectors), push-on fasteners (for installation on smooth axles, shafts, pipes, pins, bolts, screws, etc to connect and fasten adjacent components), and assemblies.

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