Company name: Linde
Category: Industrial, process and speciality gases
Business location: Munich, Germany
Expertise: Industrial gases.
Keywords: Oxygen, nitrogen and argon air separation plants.
Telephone: +49 89-31001-0
Other information: The Linde Group is a world leader in the international gases market. The company offers a wide range of compressed and liquefied gases as well as chemicals, and is the partner of choice across a huge variety of industries. Linde gases are used in the energy sector, in steel production, chemical processing, environmental protection and welding, as well as in food processing, glass production and electronics.
The Linde Gases Division produces and distributes the atmospheric gases oxygen, nitrogen and argon, all of which are manufactured in Linde's own air separation plants. The Linde product portfolio also includes hydrogen, acetylene, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, to shielding gases for welding applications, noble gases and high-purity specialty gases.
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