Global Steel & Raw Materials Transport Cost Analysis | Freight Logistics.

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Logistics Costs for Transportation of Commodities.

Freight Cost Estimates for Steel and Raw Materials Transport

Cargo ship transporting steel and raw materials
Steel logistics via ocean freight

Finished steel freight costs from a steelworks to a client - as well as steelmaking raw material transport costs - typically make up a significant proportion of the total cost of any steel shipment. now offers site visitors a service for estimating these shipping costs between any source and any destination around the globe.

To see an example of the outputs provided, please see assessments below which describe Q1 2011 freight transport costs for some illustrative commodity movements.

Similar shipment cost analyses can be provided for a fixed cost of US$60 per movement [subject to $120 minimum charge]. To request your cargo cost calculation, click freight cost.

Example Freight Cost Analysis for Steel Industry Commodities
Cost Item Unit Result Result Result
Product   Metallurgical coal Iron ore pellets Steel HR coil
Origin country   USA East Brazil Italy
Origin location   Hampton Roads Tubarao Taranto
Destination country   Brazil Egypt Germany
Destination location   Tubarao El Dekheila - Alexandria Duisburg
Cargo Route   In stockyard at port of Hampton Roads, USA; load to 70,000 dwt ship; ship to Tubarao, Brazil; unload to stockyard. In stockyard at port of Tubarao, Brazil; load to 150,000 dwt ship; ship to El Deheilam Alexandria, Egypt; unload to stockyard. In stockyard at port at plant of Riva, Taranto, Italy; load to 15,000 dwt ship; ship to Rotterdam, Netherlands; unload to stockyard; load to truck; truck to customer at Duisburg, Germany; unload to stockyard.
Value ex works $/tonne 200.00 156.00 600.00
Ocean freight - total $/tonne 12.20 13.35 13.35
Barge - origin area $/tonne 0.00 0.00 0.00
Barge - destination area $/tonne 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rail - origin area $/tonne 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rail - destination area $/tonne 0.00 0.00 0.00
Truck - origin area $/tonne 0.00 0.00 0.00
Truck - destination area $/tonne 0.00 0.00 21.85
Handling - origin area $/tonne 0.99 0.93 6.96
Handling - destination area $/tonne 1.16 1.16 9.56
Insurance - origin area $/tonne 0.17 0.12 0.58
Insurance - ship $/tonne 0.20 0.22 0.36
Insurance - destination area $/tonne 0.18 0.16 0.57
Storage - origin area $/tonne 0.69 0.63 1.94
Storage - destination area $/tonne 0.70 0.83 1.91
Interest - origin area $/tonne 0.55 0.39 1.87
Interest - ship $/tonne 0.65 0.70 1.14
Interest - destination area $/tonne 0.56 0.52 1.83
Administration $/tonne 0.50 0.50 1.00
Import duty $/tonne 0.00 0.00 0.00
Value delivered $/tonne 218.56 175.51 175.51
Total logistics cost $/tonne 18.56 19.51 19.51
Detailed transport and handling cost assumptions used
Annual quantity 000 tonnes 1000 3000 100
Ship size tonnes 70 150 15
Total time in transit days 40.3 47.1 36.8
Charter rate - Handymax $/day 20000 18000 18000
Charter rate - Panamax $/day 23000 21500 21800
Charter rate - Capesize $/day 26500 28000 27000
Bunker fuel price $/tonne oil 434 485 446
Ocean freight - fuel $/tonne 4.00 5.72 8.25
Ocean freight - ship hire $/tonne 7.05 6.70 14.97
Ocean freight - charges $/tonne 1.14 0.93 2.46
Ocean freight - total $/tonne 12.20 13.35 13.35
Inland freight - total $/tonne 0.00 0.00 0.00
Handling - total $/tonne 2.14 2.09 2.09
Insurance - total $/tonne 0.55 0.50 0.50
Storage + admin - total $/tonne 1.90 1.96 1.96
Interest - total $/tonne 1.77 1.61 1.61
Total excl interest + duty $/tonne 16.79 17.90 17.90
Total incl interest, excl duty $/tonne 18.56 19.51 19.51
Value FOB $/tonne 202.40 158.07 158.07
Value for import duty $/tonne 215.96 172.83 172.83
Import duty rate % 0.0 0.0 0.0
Note: these are examples only of the format and detail of the transport cost data that can be provided through this service. Important: tonnages are metric.


Elements of cargo transport cost can include stockyard loading and unloading charges; truck, rail or sea transport costs (including the cost of fuel and vessel hire), handling and storage charges; insurance, interest and duty.

A transport cost assessment for any specified shipment of iron ore, scrap, ferro-alloys, coal or steel between locations A and B that covers these and other cost items can be provided by for just US$60 per movement. To request further support with logistics costs, press the button below or click on transport cost. Advance payment will be required for this service. Cost calculations are typically sent out by email within 24 hours of fund receipt.

New in 2025:All steel freight cost analyses now include indicative estimates of CO2 emissions per journey, enabling you to compare CO2 output from two or more different routes.

: A discount of 10% is available for orders of 20 movements or more.

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