Steel Industry Restructuring - Business Turnaround.

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Steel Company Restructuring Support

steel company restructuring

Business Turnaround Service

MCI's steel industry consultants are able to assist businesses (or groups of companies) with corporate restructuring. This is an activity that we have undertaken for many firms seeking to attain commercial viability. This is also an exercise that we have undertaken for many different governments wishing to get their steel sectors into better shape.

Our experience includes performance improvement work at integrated steel plants, at mini mills, and at stand-alone downstream facilities (flat or long product manufacturing, or steel tube production).

The business diagnosis typically requires market, technical and financial assessments by a team of expert consultants, working intensively for some weeks. More often than not, business turnaround has capital investment, divestment and /or associated organisational implications (relating to re-definition of the core business; to business spin-offs and / or outsourcing of selected services; to manning levels and organizational restructuring; to measurement, control and reward systems; and more) if near-term viability is to be achieved. Work on strategy; on management action plans; on definition of milestones; and on task responsibility for management is invariably also involved.

Business restructuring of this form is often a necessary step for companies that are in administration and / or for metal sector firms wishing to embark on the path to privatisation [or beyond]. Frequently, it is a process that is opposed by employees who are concerned about their futures; and is an exercise that must be handled with sensitivity to the concerns of all stakeholders.

Financial evaluation is typically also involved, requiring assessments of current and future profitability (including product mix, value added potential, cost competitiveness etc), and may necessitate deliberations on balance sheet strength and debt restructuring.

Please call us for a preliminary no-obligation discussion about how we might be able to assist you. We will be pleased to describe some recent projects involving changes in business operations that our consultancy teams have been involved in.


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