The steel industry is constantly evolving, with market fluctuations driven by global supply and demand, raw material costs, and economic conditions. Whether you're a manufacturer, trader, or an investor, staying up to date with steel prices is crucial for making informed decisions. At, we provide regularly updated steel price data, covering a wide range of products, including hot-rolled coil, rebar, wire rod, and more.
Year | Month | HRC | CRC | HDG | Rebar | ||
Please get a paid subscription to access earlier price points (from January 2008). | |||||||
2015 | 1 | 504 | 608 | 725 | 502 | ||
2015 | 2 | 475 | 606 | 714 | 492 | ||
2015 | 3 | 440 | 578 | 680 | 470 | ||
2015 | 4 | 423 | 556 | 668 | 461 | ||
2015 | 5 | 405 | 557 | 673 | 467 | ||
2015 | 6 | 400 | 541 | 663 | 472 | ||
2015 | 7 | 386 | 532 | 650 | 449 | ||
2015 | 8 | 379 | 512 | 638 | 438 | ||
2015 | 9 | 378 | 508 | 631 | 423 | ||
2015 | 10 | 352 | 493 | 616 | 404 | ||
2015 | 11 | 324 | 458 | 588 | 372 | ||
2015 | 12 | 309 | 459 | 578 | 364 | ||
Please get a paid subscription to access more recent price info. |
Table last updated: 23rd March 2025. Next update: ~ 20th April 2025.
1) World steel prices are in US dollars per metric ton. They describe average monthly global export fob prices.
2) Product definitions are as follows (for further detail, see harmonised system 6-digit codes listed below). For further clarifications on HS codes for commodity goods, visit U.N. trade statistics website.
3) Pricing data is compiled by MCI. It originates from an analysis of national customs statistics of larger exporting countries. Figures cover the following 6-digit codes within the harmonised tariff schedule: Hot rolled coil 720839, Cold rolled sheet and coil 720917, HDG or galvanised iron 721049,
reinforcing bar 721420.4) Note that the latest price points (the last two months in particular) for each product may change, as more current customs declarations become available from international markets.
5) Final data point normally shows steel prices per ton that are ~2 months old. This is because a short time delay is necessary for data collection.
6) Please contact us for costs of raw materials or for other product pricing data covering heavy plate, merchant bar, light sections, rod, drawn wire, carbon or stainless pipe and tube etc.
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