Steel industry executives - who's who in 2025.

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Steel Industry Management Who's Who in 2025.

Listing of top steel industry executives

The global steel industry is shaped by a diverse group of influential leaders, experts, and key decision-makers. From CEOs of major steel producers to industry analysts, policymakers, and supply chain specialists, these individuals play a crucial role in driving innovation, sustainability, and growth in the sector.

Our Who's Who in Steel Directory identifies some of the most prominent figures in the steel industry today. We trust that this resource thus serves as a valuable guide to the people shaping the future of the industry.

Click on column title to sort who's who list

First Name Surname Job title Organisation Country
JohnAbbottChief Financial OfficerAHMSAMexico
SaidAbd AllahChief Industrial Operations OfficerEl Marakby SteelEgypt
MughalAbdul HayeChairman of the BoardHadeedSaudi Arabia
AlexanderAbramovNon-Executive ChairmanEvraz plcRussia
JodyAbsherSVP, Chief Legal Officer & Corporate SecretaryCMCUSA
JayantAcharyaJoint Managing Director & SEOJSW SteelIndia
HenrikAdamChairmanStahlinstitut VDEhGermany
ClaesÅkerblomPresident Strip DivisionAlleimaSweden
SaeedAl GhafriCEOEmirates SteelUAE
Jasem MohamedAl KhateriGroup Chief People OfficerEmsteelUAE
Yosef AhmedAl MuhannadiChief Executive OfficerAlgerian Qatari SteelAlgeria
Saeed GhumranAl RemeithiGroup CEOEmsteelUAE
MohamedAl-FaqihChairman of Board of DirectorsLibyan Iron and SteelLibya
MiguelAlvarezExecutive Vice President & Chief Financial OfficerSteel DynamicsUSA
James SAndersonSVP Long Products Steel GroupSteel DynamicsUSA
HuAnguiDirector & President of Executive BoardBaowu SteelChina
AshishAnupamVP Long ProductsTata SteelIndia
TaniaArchibaldChief Executive Australian Steel ProductsBluescopeAustralia
VladimirArshinovGroup Chief Technology OfficerEmsteelUAE
GiovanniArvediFounder & PresidentArvediItaly
AdnanAslanChairmanTurkish Steel Exporters AssociationTurkey
ToddAstoriaChief Technology OfficerMidrex TechnologiesUSA
AhmedBahirFinancial DirectorMaghreb SteelMorocco
YoussefBaidouDirector, Purchasing, Digitalization & Info SystemsMaghreb SteelMorocco
FabioBaldrighiCommercial DirectorArvediItaly
JayantaBanerjeeChief Information OfficerTata SteelIndia
VadimBasinGeneral DirectorQarmetKazakhstan
Mustafa SerdarBasogluExecutive DirectorErdemirTurkey
EdwinBassonDirector GeneralWorld Steel AssociationBelgium
SulaimanBayramDeputy ChairmanLibyan Iron and SteelLibya
RonBedardPresident & CEOArcelorMittal DofascoCanada
Allen CBehrExecutive VP Raw MaterialsNucorUSA
AntonioBeltramePresident & Group Managing Director BeltrameItaly
BarbaraBeltrameChief PR & Communications OfficerBeltrameItaly
Monika AngiolaBeltrameConsigliere Beltrame HoldingBeltrameItaly
PatriziaBeltrameVice PresidentBeltrameItaly
OlofBengtssonChief Financial OfficerAlleimaSweden
Kamal GBeshayFounder, Chairman & CEOBeshay SteelEgypt
Nabil GBeshayHead of LogisticsBeshay SteelEgypt
Rafik GBeshayProcurement DirectorBeshay SteelEgypt
Samy GBeshayManaging DirectorBeshay SteelEgypt
Sherif GBeshayOperations DirectorBeshay SteelEgypt
ChaitanyaBhanuVP Jamshedpur OperationsTata SteelIndia
AtanuBhowmickDirector in Charge (Rourkela Steel Plant)SAILIndia
ChadBickfordVice President Steel FabricationSteel DynamicsUSA
SandeepBiswasChief Investment OfficerLiberty Steel GroupUK
RafaelBittarEVP TechnicalValeBrazil
GöranBjörkmanPresident and Chief Executive OfficerAlleimaSweden
FlavioBregantGeneral DirectorFederacciaiItaly
JohnBrettCEO ArcelorMittal North AmericaArcelorMittalLuxembourg
StefanieBrockmannExecutive Member of the Managing BoardStahlinstitut VDEhGermany
James EBrunoPresidentUS Steel KosiceSlovakia
DavidBurrittCEOU.S. SteelUSA
KeremCakirHead of Executive CommitteeBorcelikTurkey
EnriqueCanalDirector of Industrial AffairsSidenorSpain
WendellCarterEVP TechnologyCleveland-CliffsUSA
Gerardo GarciaCastelanHead of ProcurementAHMSAMexico
Guillermo MartinCastroPresidentTenaris CanadaCanada
JordiCazorlaChief Executive OfficerCelsa GroupSpain
In-hwaChangChairman & CEOPOSCO GroupKorea
NicolasChangeurChief Marketing Officer Stainless EuropeAperamLuxembourg
NavaChantanasurakonPresidentSahaviriya Steel IndustriesThailand
SamCharmandChief Digital & Information OfficerBluescopeAustralia
KoushikChatterjeeChief Financial OfficerTata SteelIndia
ChanakyaChaudharyVP Corporate ServicesTata SteelIndia
NarongritChotnuchittrakulChief Financial OfficerSahaviriya Steel IndustriesThailand
AnasChraibiChief Operating OfficerMaghreb SteelMorocco
TomasChrenekDirectorMoravia SteelCzech Republic
Genuino MChristinoChief Financial OfficerArcelorMittalLuxembourg
CatherineCobdenPresident & CEOCSPACanada
DebraCounsellChief Legal OfficerBluescopeAustralia
LeenaCraeliusEVP & Chief Financial Officer SSABSweden
Gustavo Werneckda CunhaChief Executive OfficerGerdauBrazil
Marcelo Gasparinoda Silva Vice Chairman of the Board of DirectorsValeBrazil
UgurDalbeleDeputy ChairmanTurkish Steel Exporters AssociationTurkey
GurtanDamarDeputy ChairmanErdemirTurkey
RaficDaouManaging DirectorSuez SteelEgypt
Patrick Lamarqued'ArrouzatChief Commercial OfficerSwiss SteelSwitzerland
AnirbanDasguptaDirector in Charge (Bhilai Steel Plant)SAILIndia
RajuDaswaniManaging DirectorMetal BulletinUK
BradDaveyHead of Corporate Business OptimisationArcelorMittalLuxembourg
RobinDaviesChief Executive New Zeal& & Pacific Isl&sBluescopeAustralia
Maria Luizade Oliveira Pinto e PaivaEVP SustainabilityValeBrazil
Jeffersonde PaulaCEO ArcelorMittal South America LongArcelorMittalLuxembourg
Bende VosChairman of the BoardNLMK EuropeEurope
WorknehDelelegnDirector GeneralMetals Industry Development InstituteEthiopia
WillDempseyChief Operating OfficerMidrex TechnologiesUSA
TimoteoDi MauloChief Executive OfficerAperamLuxembourg
JoergDisteldorfChief Human Resources OfficerSaarstahl AGGermany
CristianDrinciuDirector and CEOArtrom Steel TubesRomania
MarjanaDrolc KalužaExecutive Director - ProcurementSIJ GroupSlovenia
JenniferDurbinSVP, Chief HR & Communications OfficerCMCUSA
MaiteEcchariDirector of Economics, Finance and ITSidenorSpain
AxelEggertDirector GeneralEuroferBelgium
HerbetEibensteinerChairman of the Management BoardVoestalpineAustria
HarounEl FassiDirector of Strategic Programs & PerformanceMaghreb SteelMorocco
AmrEl GazzarChief Information OfficerEl Marakby SteelEgypt
HassanEl MarakbyChief Executive OfficerEl Marakby SteelEgypt
MohamedEl MarakbyGeneral ManagerEl Marakby SteelEgypt
MonaEl MarakbyChief Supply Chain OfficerEl Marakby SteelEgypt
SaraEl MarakbyChief Financial Officer El Marakby SteelEgypt
Suleyman SavasErdemChairmanErdemirTurkey
StefanErdmannChief Technology OfficerOutokumpuFinland
PhetraEricssonEVP Human ResourcesOvakoSweden
MuratEryilmazChief Executive OfficerSteelOrbisTurkey
WilliamEtchellChief Operating OfficerCommodity Research UnitUK
LennartEvrellChairman of the BoardSSABSweden
AlexeyEvstafyevChief Financial OfficerNLMK EuropeEurope
Hanna MFahimChief Financial Officer Beshay SteelEgypt
DavidFalluChief Financial OfficerBluescopeAustralia
MeryemFarajCommercial DirectorMaghreb SteelMorocco
Terry GFedorEVP OperationsCleveland-CliffsUSA
XieFengGeneral AccountantAnsteelChina
Robert HFischerEVP Human Resources & Labor RelationsCleveland-CliffsUSA
AlexanderFleischanderlChief Technology OfficerPrimetalsUK
BradFordExecutive VP Plate & Structural ProductsNucorUSA
Traci LForresterEVP Environmental & SustainabilityCleveland-CliffsUSA
ChristinaFriborgEVP & Head of Sustainability,SSABSweden
AlexanderFrolovNon-Executive DirectorEvraz plcRussia
SilviaGaalovaVice President & Chief Financial Officer US Steel KosiceSlovakia
MichaelGarciaPresident & CEOAlgoma Steel Inc.Canada
SofiaGellarManagement Team - People & OrganizationStegraSweden
OttoGernandtManagement Team - FinanceStegraSweden
AaronGillGlobal Head of SalesCommodity Research UnitUK
GerryGilleChief Financial OfficerMidrex TechnologiesUSA
TomasGilleManagement Team - Project DeliveryStegraSweden
CelsoGoncalvesEVP & Chief Financial OfficerCleveland-CliffsUSA
LourencoGoncalvesChairman, President, & CEOCleveland-CliffsUSA
AndrésGonzález-Saravia CossGeneral CounselAHMSAMexico
VijayGoyalExecutive vice presidentArcelorMittalLuxembourg
James DGrahamEVP, Chief Legal & Admin Officer & SecretaryCleveland-CliffsUSA
Chistopher AGrahamSVP Flat Roll Steel GroupSteel DynamicsUSA
UlrichGretheCEOSalzgitter Flachstahl GmbHGermany
GunnarGroeblerChief Executive OfficerSalzgitter AGGermany
MesutGuneyExecutive Committee Member Large Investments BorcelikTurkey
AlokGuptaManaging DirectorAfrican Industries GroupNigeria
RajGuptaChairmanAfrican Industries GroupNigeria
SanjeevGuptaExecutive Chairman & CEOLiberty Steel GroupUK
AashishGuptaChief Strategy OfficerPrimetalsUK
PeeyushGuptaVP TQM & Group ProcurementTata SteelIndia
SheilaHajiyevaChief of StaffBaku SteelAzerbaijan
LinaHåkansdotterManagement Team - Sustainability & Corp AffairsStegraSweden
DaudHamidChief Executive OfficerHadeedSaudi Arabia
KhalidHammadChief Operating OfficerHadeedSaudi Arabia
NoahHannersExecutive VP Sheet ProductsNucorUSA
EijiHashimotoChairman & CEONippon SteelJapan
DavidHathawayVice President Engineering & InnovationUS Steel KosiceSlovakia
MarcusHedblomPresident & CEO OvakoSweden
RomanHeideChairman & CEOTrinecke ZelezarnyCzech Republic
HenrikHenrikssonChief Executive OfficerStegraSweden
SkipHeraldPresident & CEOEvraz North AmericaCanada
OlofHernellManagement Team - DigitalStegraSweden
MasayukiHirosePresident & CEOJFE Steel CorporationJapan
JanHofmannChief Sustainability Officer AperamLuxembourg
John JHollatzExecutive VP Fabricated Construction ProductsNucorUSA
OlaviHuhtalaEVP & Head of SSAB EuropeSSABSweden
PoladHummatovDeputy General DirectorBaku SteelAzerbaijan
IainHunterChief Governance OfficerLiberty Steel GroupUK
BjørnarHuruAssistant Managing DirectorNordic SteelNorway
KamalIbrahimovGeneral DirectorBaku SteelAzerbaijan
SatoruIijimaCEO & Chairman of the BoardPrimetalsUK
YoshiharuIkedaChief Financial OfficerPrimetalsUK
TadashiImaiChairmanJapan Iron and Steel FederationJapan
TadashiImaiPresident & COONippon SteelJapan
TakeshiIshiguroChairperson of the Board of DirectorsDaido SteelJapan
RashidIshmukhametovHR DirectorUral SteelRussia
AlekseyIvanovChief Executive OfficerEvraz plcRussia
José AntonioJainagaChairmanSidenorSpain
GaoJianbingVice PresidentBaowu SteelChina
SajjanJindalChairman & Managing DirectorJSW SteelIndia
Savitri DeviJindalChairperson EmeritusJSW SteelIndia
André Bier GerdauJohannpeterVice ChairmanGerdauBrazil
CláudioJohannpeterVice ChairmanGerdauBrazil
Guilherme Chagas GerdauJohannpeterChairmanGerdauBrazil
RolandJunckNon-Executive MemberLiberty Steel GroupUK
JeffKabelChief Transformation OfficerLiberty Steel GroupUK
FranzKainersdorferHead of the Metal Engineering DivisionVoestalpineAustria
AkihitoKajitaManaging Executive OfficerDaido SteelJapan
SlavkoKanalecExecutive Director - Production, Technology & InvestmentSIJ GroupSlovenia
SergeyKarataevChief Executive OfficerNLMKRussia
YoshihikoKatsukawaPresident & CEOKobe SteelJapan
KristieKeastChief Executive North AmericaBluescopeAustralia
BridgetKendrickGlobal Head of MarketingCommodity Research UnitUK
AlanKestenbaumExecutive Chairman & CEOStelcoCanada
AkshayKhullarVP Engineering & ProjectsTata SteelIndia
MichaelKieckbuschHead of PersonnelSalzgitter AGGermany
Gwang-PyungKimHead of FinanceHyundai SteelKorea
Weon-BaeKimHead of Plate Business DivisionHyundai SteelKorea
MiroslavKiralvargaVP External Affairs, Administration & Business DevelopmentUS Steel KosiceSlovakia
RichardKnoblochHead of St&ardizationStahlinstitut VDEhGermany
FrankKochCEOSwiss SteelSwitzerland
Keith AKociEVP & President, Clevel&-Cliffs ServicesCleveland-CliffsUSA
Karl GKocsisVP Human Resources & TransformationUS Steel KosiceSlovakia
ViacheslavKorchaginVice-President & Chief Executive OfficerSIJ GroupSlovenia
JohannaKreftEVP and General CounselAlleimaSweden
MohammedKreoDirector, Human Capital & Sustainable DevelopmentMaghreb SteelMorocco
RajivKumarVP Kalinganagar OperationsTata SteelIndia
WangLanyuPresident & Vice ChairmanHBIS GroupChina
MarkusLauerChief Finance OfficerSaarstahl AGGermany
SerhiyLavrinenkoChief Operating Officer (Steel Plant)ArcelorMittal Kryvyi RihUkraine
PaulLawrenceSenior VP & CFOCMCUSA
SteveLaxtonChief Financial OfficerNucorUSA
Seong-SooLeeHead of Long Product DivisionHyundai SteelKorea
Frederico AyresLimaCEO Stainless & Electrical Steel South AmericaAperamLuxembourg
MartinLindqvistChairmanSwiss SteelSwitzerland
Vladimir SergeyevichLisinChairman of the BoardNLMKRussia
BørreLobekkManaging DirectorNordic SteelNorway
VladimirLobkoCommercial DirectorUral SteelRussia
ThomasLohrChief Financial OfficerSwiss SteelSwitzerland
MauroLongobardoChief Executive OfficerArcelorMittal Kryvyi RihUkraine
MiguelLópezChief Executive OfficerThyssenkruppGermany
LarryLordenChief Information OfficerCommodity Research UnitUK
CorneliusLouwrensChief Executive OfficerNLMK EuropeEurope
BertLyssensChief Human Resources OfficerAperamLuxembourg
PeterMaaghChief Technical OfficerSaarstahl AGGermany
Arun SitaramMaheshwariDirector (Commercial & Marketing)JSW SteelIndia
Mahmoud FekryMahmoudChairman of Board of DirectorsSuez SteelEgypt
IgorMalevanovVice-President & Chief Financial OfficerSIJ GroupSlovenia
YongyuthMalithongSVP - Hot Rolled Business GroupSahaviriya Steel IndustriesThailand
MarkusMannströmManagement Team - Boden operationsStegraSweden
KittisakMapanaoChief Technology OfficerSahaviriya Steel IndustriesThailand
SergeyMarchenkoProcurement DirectorUral SteelRussia
HiroshiMatsudaNon-Executive Board MemberPrimetalsUK
PeterMattPresident & CEOCMCUSA
FrédéricMatteiChief Innovation OfficerAperamLuxembourg
GeraldMayerChief Financial OfficerVoestalpineAustria
CarlosMedeirosEVP OperationsValeBrazil
MonicaMiddletonNon-Executive MemberLiberty Steel GroupUK
Mark DMillettChairman & Chief Executive OfficerSteel DynamicsUSA
CarlosMireles CastilloHead of Financial Planning & TreasuryAHMSAMexico
AdityaMittalChief Executive OfficerArcelorMittalLuxembourg
Lakshmi NMittalExecutive Chairman & CEOArcelorMittalLuxembourg
VanishaMittal BhatiaChief Strategy OfficerAperamLuxembourg
ShinjiMiyaokaDirectorKobe SteelJapan
IñigoMoleroDirector of SalesSidenorSpain
TakahiroMoriVice ChairmanNippon SteelJapan
MiroslawMotykaPresident of the BoardPolish Steel AssociationPoland
Gregory JMurphyEVP Business Services & General CounselNucorUSA
OleksandrMyronenko Chief Operations OfficerMetinvest HoldingUkraine
HajimeNagaraExecutive Vice PresidentKobe SteelJapan
T. V.NarendranCEO & Managing DirectorTata SteelIndia
Thachat ViswanathNarendranChairWorld Steel AssociationBelgium
Daniel RNeedhamExecutive VP CommercialNucorUSA
DmytroNikolayenko Chief Commercial OfficerMetinvest HoldingUkraine
ReinhardNöbauerHead of the High Performance Metals DivisionVoestalpineAustria
HassanNouhManaging DirectorEzz SteelEgypt
MarcelNovosadVP OperationsUS Steel KosiceSlovakia
JohnNowlanChief Technical & Development OfficerBluescopeAustralia
DilipOomenCEOArcelorMittal / Nippon SteelIndia
LuissaOrreManagement Team - Procurement & InfrastructureStegraSweden
Mónica ElizondoOrtizHead of Human ResourcesAHMSAMexico
JalalOvenProduction DirectorBaku SteelAzerbaijan
Niyazi AskinPekerGeneral ManagerErdemirTurkey
AlexandrePereiraExecutive Vice President - ProjectsValeBrazil
EdithPérez AlvaradoHead of Communications & Public RelationsAHMSAMexico
RobertPerlmanExecutive ChairmanCommodity Research UnitUK
MariaPersson GuldaManagement Team - TechnologyStegraSweden
ElenaPetráškováVice President Energy & General CounselUS Steel KosiceSlovakia
StefanPetrovicDirector and Vice ChairmanArtrom Steel TubesRomania
AntonPetrovicChairmanBulgarian Association of Metallurgical IndustryBulgaria
TetianaPetruk Chief Sustainability OfficMetinvest HoldingUkraine
MichaelPiekutDeputy PresidentUS Steel KosiceSlovakia
MarcoPinedaCorporate Managing DirectorSidenorSpain
Richard APoinsatteSVP & TreasurerSteel DynamicsUSA
AdrianPopescuChairmanArtrom Steel TubesRomania
BirgitPotrafkiChief Financial OfficerSalzgitter AGGermany
Glenn APushisSVP Special ProjectsSteel DynamicsUSA
MarinaQuentalEVP PeopleValeBrazil
DušicaRadjenovićExecutive Director - SalesSIJ GroupSlovenia
DB SundaraRamamVP Raw MaterialsTata SteelIndia
Homero PérezRamonHead of Rolling, Maintenance & ServicesAHMSAMexico
ViktorRashnikovChairman of the BoardMagnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Russia
Gajraj SinghRathoreChief Operating OfficerJSW SteelIndia
StefanRauberChairman of the Board of ManagementStahl-Holding-Saar GroupGermany
PetaRenkinChief People OfficerBluescopeAustralia
CarolaRichterHead of the Metal Forming DivisionVoestalpineAustria
Kerstin MariaRippelManaging DirectorGerman Steel FederationGermany
JuhaniRistaniemiEVP – General CounselOutokumpuFinland
VusalRuzmanovCommercial DirectorBaku SteelAzerbaijan
KajsaRyttberg-WallgrenManagement Team - Growth & Hydrogen BusinessStegraSweden
YuriyRyzhenkov Chief Executive OfficerMetinvest HoldingUkraine
DenisSafinDirector GeneralUral SteelRussia
KoichiSakamotoDirectorKobe SteelJapan
RamySalehChief Business Development & sustainability OfficerEl Marakby SteelEgypt
HassanSalim ShashaaGroup Chief Project OfficerEmsteelUAE
AtrayeeSanyalVP Human Resource ManagementTata SteelIndia
MarttiSassiPresident - FerrochromeOutokumpuFinland
NaokiSatoExecutive Vice PresidentNippon SteelJapan
Marc-SimonSchaarChief Financial OfficerOutokumpuFinland
RolfSchenckingPresident - Advanced MaterialsOutokumpuFinland
PeterSchmiedingHead of CommunicationStahlinstitut VDEhGermany
CharlesSchmittEVP & Head of SSAB AmericasSSABSweden
Barry TSchneiderPresident & Chief Operating OfficerSteel DynamicsUSA
JensSchulterChief Financial OfficerThyssenkruppGermany
HatimSenhajiChief Executive OfficerMaghreb SteelMorocco
HatimSenhajiGeneral ManagerMaghreb SteelMorocco
Gang-HyunSeoPresident & CEOHyundai SteelKorea
PavelShilyaevChief Executive OfficerMagnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works Russia
TetsuyaShimizuPresident & CEODaido SteelJapan
KleberSilvaCEO ArcelorMittal MiningArcelorMittalLuxembourg
AlexandreSilva D'AmbrosioEVP Corporate and External AffairsValeBrazil
TiborŠimonkaSenior Vice-PresidentSIJ GroupSlovenia
Arvind KumarSinghDirector of Technical ProjectsSAILIndia
Brijendra PratapSinghDirector in Charge (Burnpur & Durgapur)SAILIndia
Krishna KumarSinghDirector of PersonnelSAILIndia
JohhnySiostromPresident & CEOSSABSweden
SudhakarSivajiChief Financial OfficerAperamLuxembourg
LarsSjobringEVP & General CounselSSABSweden
Clifford TSmithEVP & Chief Operating OfficerCleveland-CliffsUSA
DeepakSoganiChief Financial OfficerLiberty Steel GroupUK
SinanSozenExecutive Committee Member PurchasingBorcelikTurkey
GarethStaceGeneral DirectorUK Steel AssociationUK
RobertStålPresident Kanthal DivisionAlleimaSweden
Jeffrey SSteinChief Restructuring OfficerLiberty Steel GroupUK
JohannSteinerEVP - Sustainability, Strategy and PeopleOutokumpuFinland
DumitrescuStelianGeneral DirectorOtelinoxRomania
GrettaStephensChief Executive Climate Change & SustainabilityBluescopeAustralia
Daniel AndréStielerChairman of the Board of DirectorsValeBrazil
David ASumoskiChief Operating OfficerNucorUSA
David SSurherlandChairman of the BoardU.S. SteelUSA
Katiter HorstPresident and CEOOutokumpuFinland
VolodymyrTeslyukChief Operating Officer (Mining)ArcelorMittal Kryvyi RihUkraine
DivyaThadaniChief Strategy & Transformation OfficerBluescopeAustralia
MathiasTillmanEVP Group Sales & Marketing OvakoSweden
DeniseTimnsExecutive MemberLiberty Steel GroupUK
Brijendra KumarTiwariDirector in Charge (Bokaro Steel Plant)SAILIndia
LeonTopalianChairman President & CEONucorUSA
DavidTraffordChief Executive OfficerCommodity Research UnitUK
Anil KumarTulsianiDirector of FinanceSAILIndia
GürkanTurkaslanDeputy ChairmanTurkish Steel Exporters AssociationTurkey
Hans JurgenUrbanVice ChairmanSalzgitter AGGermany
Daniël Nicolaasvan der HoutChief Commercial OfficerSaarstahl AGGermany
GeertVan PoelvoordeCEO ArcelorMittal EuropeArcelorMittalLuxembourg
MarkVassellaManaging Director & CEOBluescopeAustralia
GeertVerbeeckChief Executive Officer Stainless Europe AperamLuxembourg
WinViriyaprapaikitGroup CEOSahaviriya Steel IndustriesThailand
Carlvon SchantzPresident Tube DivisionAlleimaSweden
Theresa EWaglerEVP & Chief Financial OfficerSteel DynamicsUSA
MattWalkerPresidentIvaco Rolling MillsCanada
HuWangmingChairman of Executive BoardBaowu SteelChina
NiklasWassPresident – Stainless EuropeOutokumpuFinland
JonathanWeberChief Transformation OfficerSaarstahl AGGermany
TamaraWeinertPresident - AmericasOutokumpuFinland
Heinz-GerhardWenteChairmanSalzgitter AGGermany
StephanieWerner-DietzHead of Human ResourcesArcelorMittalLuxembourg
ChristianWillumsenGeneral ManagerDanSteelDenmark
KCWoodyPresident & CEOMidrex TechnologiesUSA
NghiemXuan DaChairmanVietnam Steel AssociationVietnam
ToshiakiYamashitaExecutive Vice PresidentDaido SteelJapan
WangYaobinVice PresidentHBIS GroupChina
VeyselYayanSecretary GeneralTurkish Steel Producers AssociationTurkey
LiYirenVice PresidentHBIS GroupChina
YuYongChairmanHBIS GroupChina
ZhuYonghongChief AccountantBaowu SteelChina
HubertZajicekHead of Steel DivisionVoestalpineAustria
DmytroZakharchenkoExecutive DirectorPromet SteelBulgaria
LuisZamudio MiechielsenChief Executive OfficerAHMSAMexico
HuZhigangChief Financial OfficerHBIS GroupChina
StanislavZinchenkoCEOGMK CenterUkraine
Mohammed YahyaZniberChairman of the Board of DirectorsMaghreb SteelMorocco
AndreyZubitskiyPresident of the Management BoardSIJ GroupSlovenia

The steel industry who's who list above covers current management positions and responsibilities in the international steel sector, identifying ~375 leadership and executive roles in ~44 different countries as at Q1 2025.

The industry coverage includes iron and steelmaking (including alloy and stainless steels), downstream processing / product distribution, ferroalloys supply and the production of other selected metals.

Please let us know of any significant errors and / or who's who omissions. Thank you.

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