Valuation determines the economic value of a business asset. Valuation work is typically used to support clients who wish either to purchase or sell a business or as a part of insurance or due diligence investigations.
The MCI valuation services team has a great deal of specialist experience, particularly in the valuation of steel industry assets, and draws on the wider range of expertise within the organisation. Consideration is given to:
Where applicable, adjustments are made for:
Asset valuation assignments are typically conducted in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Valuation Standards. The MCI process for conducting company valuations consolidates information gathered from technical records and site visits as well as a proprietary 'in-house' database to derive a baseline value of the assets under consideration. Adjustments are then made taking into account the age and condition of the equipment.
Depending on the nature of the assignment, the scope of work may be expanded to include a review (from a technical viewpoint) of:
Reports follow a structured format and typically include an introduction to the assignment, an outline of the valuation approach or approaches to be adopted, a description of the metal processing assets, details of the assumptions made, value calculations and a valuation statement. Written valuation reports are issued either as a stand-alone technical document or as part of a portfolio together with legal, commercial and financial documents.
Recent experience of MCI's experts includes involvement in the following valuations.
Valuation Date | Country | Assets Involved |
Sep 2006 | Ukraine | Integrated flat product plant |
Jun 2009 | Nigeria | Melt shop and bar rolling mill |
May 2012 | Angola | Melt shop and rebar mill |
Jul 2013 | Latvia | EAF melt shop / bar mills |
Dec 2013 | United Arab Emirates | Welded tube manufacturing |
May 2014 | Kenya | Compact strip mill / HRC plant |
Jun 2014 | Egypt | Brownfield welded tube assets |
Jan 2015 | Kuwait | Large diameter pipe works |
Sep 2015 | Turkey | Integrated flat product / long products |
May 2017 | Egypt | New meltshop and rebar mini-mill |
Jun 2017 | Ethiopia | Greenfield integrated steelworks |
Sep 2017 | Georgia | EAF / caster / rebar plant |
Jan 2019 | Poland | Seamless tube mill |
Jul 2019 | Saudi Arabia | Hollow structural sections plant |
May 2020 | Pakistan | Direct reduced iron plant (DRI) |
Jul 2020 | Nigeria | Mine, beneficiation and pellet plant, & DRI |
Jan 2021 | Egypt | DRI, EAF, rolling mills |
Feb 2021 | Qatar | Middle East billet mill, rod rolling mill |
For further information, please contact
For a no-obligation discussion you may also call us on +44 775 149 0885. Thank you.
Are you looking for help with an independent feasibility study for a steel industry investment? Do you want to include a market, technical and financial evaluation as part of this assessment?